Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Suggest...Go West!

When you enter a public washroom in Japan...you never know what you are going to get.

There are often two options:

You can go 'western' and sit, or, you can try 'traditional Japanese' and squat.

Some 'western' styles in Hokkaido have heated seats! These fancy models often come with many other bells and whistles. When you sit, recorded running water sounds are played so that your neighbours can't hear your ummm 'natural' sounds. Belive it or not...for this high tech private-parts cleaning experience you can choose water spray location, speed, and temperatures. And after your job is done...all you need to do is stand up and the mess is tastefully flushed away...automatically!!!

Or you can choose the painful, nothing to hang onto, squat, pee on your shoes, pray to God you drop in the spot, manual toilet paper and flush model.

And sometimes, like at train stations, you don't get a choice.
It's all squat or get off the pot.

Now isn't that a relief!

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