Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Here are some of our youngest students fishing with their moms. They are using rods made from long willow branches.

The older ones seem more interested in touching the fish than in catching them. First the bucket then the frying pan. The circle of life continues.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wild Berry Find

The lupin are in full bloom now so down to the river we went to enjoy their purple, pink and white glory.

One of the mothers squealed with delight when she found tonnes of ripe wild strawberries. We all immediately joined her in picking.

Tomohiro folded large bog rhubarb (fuki) leaves into cups so that we had something to hold our sweet smelling gems.

I made wild strawberry rhubarb jam with the berries. We'll all get to have a taste of this sweet/tart treat at the summer barbecue we're having this Saturday.

Finding berries, making jam, tasting and celebrating...these simple luxuries really do make us smile.
